Contact Us

Contact Us

Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (AALDEF)

99 Hudson St, 12th Fl New York, NY 10013

tel: (212) 966-5932 fax: (212) 966-4303


If seeking legal advice, please include a contact number.
Note: We do not accept walk-ins. Please email or call to schedule an appointment.

Privacy Policy (2.18.2020)

Our commitment to privacy
To better protect your privacy, we provide this notice explaining our online information practices and the choices you make about the way your information is collected and used.

AALDEF Mailing List - If you are interested in receiving the AALDEF newsletter or other reports, we ask for your email address so that we can send it to you. The AALDEF mailing list is used to send our newsletter and notices about AALDEF events and activities. We do not sell, rent, or share or our mailing list. We do not enhance (link to other databases) our mailing list or require your actual name. We also use this list periodically to seek financial support for AALDEF programs. In the event you wish to update or delete an email address in our possession at any time for any reason, please contact to make those changes.

AALDEF Website - We do not enable cookies. We also periodically delete logs of users that view our website.

Our commitment to data security
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, we have physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the information we collect. We work to ensure data accuracy and protect against unauthorized access to, and improper use of, information we collect online.

All data transmitted to and from our website, including credit card numbers, are encrypted using industry standard measures to provide additional security. We use a PCI-compliant third-party provider to enable our supporters to conduct secure transactions over the internet.

To review any personal information collected, to request corrections, or for any other information about our privacy policy, please contact To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before making corrections.